Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beware of Fashionable Women

Rock Bottom races from the speakers, laden with simple drum grooves, harmonies galore, and a euro-rock guitar line that puts an immediate summer-fun-lovin' smile on your face. In the vein of Beachboys' Pet Sounds meets Jellyfish's Spilt Milk, the CD has begun to please.

Obligatory Tattoo starts with a riff reminiscent of your favorite James Bond film. As the verse begins you'll agree that the song has sound track written all over it. But at the chorus, it moves from distant and ominous to pure pop - too angular for what started.

Found is as close to jazz as you'll get with these guys. Its a friendly and easy listening tune. If you're a tongue in cheek fan, you'll like the conflicting lyrics (dark and bloody) mixed with the quirkiness of a poppy Ben Fold's song.

I imagine a live fan favorite to be The Great Corrupter (Of Youth). It has a very live quality. More time in production might have made this one soar more completely on record. But its in the last track, The Big Yellow, that the band strikes gold. Clearly their best song. In all facets: writing, performing, and production, it stands out above the rest. Its a catchy song, again in the vein of Ben Folds, that I think any listener will enjoy.

All in all, Beware of Fashionable Women is an upbeat, fun record. Its full of harmonies and life. Check it out whenever you get some time!

RATING: 3.5 of 5 stars.

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